Sunday 15 July 2012

Patterns Patterns everywhere

So on of the tools i think is really important but often overlooked and really usefull in Systems Thinking, ui, ux etc is that of patterns.

What is a pattern.

Well you can think of the classic example of a pattern ie the dress patterns that you use when people sew clothes, or you could think about it in from a business context as a template that you can re-use. The benefits with a pattern, is that if you follow the steps you can get a fairly consistent output, and even if you re-use the same template again, you should get similar results. So we get consistent repeatable results because we follow and repeat the same steps over and over again.

Now something magical happens with patterns and templates. As we re-use these more and more we can see where we improve what we do. We change what doesn't work and fix it so that it does work for us. So why don't we use these more in business?

Personally because I see such strong results and clear benefits, they are my # 1 toolbox item that I use all the time. But how would I convince other people about the benefits. For me its a case of showing people.

I work with people to take me through a really common interaction they have with their customers. I look at what they do and whether they do it the same way every time they need to meet this customer need. If it's fairly consistent each time then it's a pattern and I would look to get a fairly standard flow and document it in some way - this doesn't have to be complex, just what works for the business. If they don't do the same thing, I seek first to understand why they have done something different and what effect does this have on their business, eg does it increase the time it takes to meet a customer's needs?

So I look for ways of working where people re-use what they already know to continue to help customers. The benefits with this are high. If you are comfortable with a way of working you have got to a point where you know it well. You understand it and you know what to do and what time is required to get the best result in a timely way.

Once you do something well you can innovate, make it better and faster so that you provide something more to the customer. Whether this be a cheaper product, a shorter timeframe, a transaction that is completed first time every time. Imagine how happy the customer would be if you not just met their needs but exceeded them!

Patterns are empowering because they allow that people that know the process to really own it, get the best results over time and change it so that it can work even better. Imagine if this occurred in all areas of the business. You could really start to see some great improvements for customers. As you are more responsive you can work with customers to anticipate their needs better as well as try and innovate to surpass what your customers expect. In this way you can open up to new opportunities as well as existing customers.

Try to start to see the patterns in your life and business and look at what you can do better and what you can innovate. The possibilities really are only limited by your own boundaries. Talk to your customers and even ask them what they want. If you don't do this you are really only guessing at what they want, and that doesn't always lead to customer satisfaction.

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